

About Us

* since 2014 *

It all began in Mauritius, in a beachfront restaurant, where a unique recipe for an outrageously delicious spare rib was conceived. Before long, the restaurant had become the talk of the island and The People travelled from far and wide to Rage on these brilliant ribs.

Upon his return to Johannesburg, South Africa, The Chef found, much to his dismay, that he was unable to find a replacement for “The People’s Rib”, and thus Rib Rage was born.

Rib Rage began serving The People on the streets of The City Of Gold, flooding the markets with a Craft Food Revolution of such Ribrageous proportions that “The People’s Rib” was soon sought after at music concerts, festivals, and markets across the length and breadth of sunny Mzansi.

The People’s craving became such a rage that before long they were demanding to be served at the finest steakhouses and establishments in the land. The Rage had gone viral and Rib Rage could be found in 6 different craft food venues at once, as well as supplying “The People’s Rib” to many fine steakhouses and meat suppliers.

The People’s Rage became uncontrollable and Rib Rage worked tirelessly to satiate the craving that had begun to sweep the country. The time had come for Rib Rage to ensure the supply of “The People’s Rib” to all The People of Mzansi.

The Chef and his team decided that the kitchen should be relocated to the Zulu Kingdom in a southern village where they could source the finest local and international meat cuts, enabling Rib Rage’s team of qualified and experienced professionals to produce a wide variety of only the best Value Added meat products in the kingdom.

Again The People responded with such fervour, that soon Rib Rage was been sought after in the majority of eateries, butcheries, and supermarkets throughout the Zulu Kingdom. The uncontrollable rage demanded that another distribution centre be set up. So, the Chef and his team journeyed across the Mighty Toti to the village of Durban North, to ensure the swift supply of incredible Rageworthy products could easily be delivered to ALL The People in The Zulu Kingdom and beyond.

Through hard work and dedication, Rib Rage has become THE PREMIUM BBQ RIB SPECIALIST in Mzansi – providing sticky, succulent, outrageously juicy, melt-in-your-mouth, fully cooked, value added products to ALL The People.


rib rage manufactures, supply’s and distributes fully cooked, hassle free meat products to the service industry, retail market, butcher shops and distributors nation wide.


at rib rage we pride ourselves in providing our highly-valued customers with the best service and quality available. our smallest customer is as important to us as our largest. it is our mission to satiate the people’s craving.


at rib rage we work tirelessly to provide our customers with the best value added products available. offering the people the best price, quality, and service delivery possible. in a consumer driven industry, it is our prime objective to produce and supply the finest restaurant grade products to the people.


providing a fully cooked value added restaurant grade product solution to every chef, braai master and even mom at home. manufactured in our fully compliant factory, using only the finest local and imported meat for the people. take it and go.


at rib rage it is our goal to make the people rage. we provide the ultimate convenience to all chefs and restaurateurs who themselves strive to serve a premium hassle free product. we provide wholesalers and distributors within the industry a premium value added and convenient meat solution.


we value the people, and the people deserve the utmost respect. the people, who spend their hard-earned money, time and interests dining out and shopping for groceries deserve the highest quality products available. we consider the people to be our most valued customers. whether eating our products at a steak house or around the braai at home, we strive to feed the people the best value added meat products money can buy.